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Our Order


The Order of the Eastern Star is a world-wide fraternal organization founded by Dr. Rob Morris in 1818 near Boston, Massachusetts. Candidates are initiated into the Order through a initiation ritual, which focuses on Adah, Ruth, Queen Esther, Martha and Electa, the five heroines of the Order who represent the cardinal virtues of the Eastern Star; Fidelity, Constancy, Loyalty, Faith and Love.


While the ritual work of the Order is phrased in Judeo-Christian terminology, the Order is open to people of every faith. The initiatory ritual of the Order contains elements that would have been familiar to early Christian Mystics as well as Hermetical and Kabbalistic initiates. The focus of the Order is the Divine Feminine aspect of Freemasonry, which forms the complimentary component to the Masculine aspect of the Fraternity found in the Blue Lodges.


Ocean Park Star Chapter meets on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of every month (with the exception of August) at 8PM. Our Chapter Room is located at Sunset Masonic Lodge, 1720 Ocean Park Blvd in Santa Monica, CA.


Membership Requirements:

Must be 18 years of age or older.

Must be of good moral character – no criminal record.

Must believe in a Supreme Being.


Women seeking admission into our Order must be the wife, daughter, legally adopted daughter, mother, widow, stepmother, sister, stepsister, half-sister, granddaughter, or stepdaughter of a Master Mason or the grandmother, great granddaughter, niece or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, or daughter of sisters or brothers of affiliated Master Masons, or a majority member of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls or International Order of Job’s Daughters.


Men must be Master Masons in good standing.


Ocean Park Star Chapter #245 is closely affiliated with Sunset Lodge #369 F&AM.  You can find information on Sunset Lodge here.


2018 Dues for Ocean Park Star #245 are $80.00, plus $8 for the Home Assessment fee for a total of $88.00. (If you have a Home Life Sponsorship then you may omit the $8.00.)


The one time Petition fee to join Ocean Park Star #245 is a $50.00. ($30 to our Chapter, $15 to Grand Chapter Endowment Fund and $5 to International Headquarters.) Dues are pro-rated for the year at the time your are Initiated. 


If you have questions please email us at

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